Imma need you to do better

Imma need you to do better

OMG it been almost a year since my last post. I know. I need to do better. But I have been working on somethings that are amazing. Unfortunately it has taken me away from blogging.

I have some trips lined up and I want to share with you my planning process as well has some tips for planning a faboulous trip. I also plan on making some videos for you guys that I hope you will enjoy.

Until next time ( not a year from now).



Europe Extraveganza! Florence edition 

Europe Extraveganza! Florence edition 

Florence is the most beautiful and charming city I have ever been too. Learning about this hiand seeing the art and architecture story of this city really touched me and made me fall in love with this city. And the food!!! Lordt!! The food was amazing. Pasta, pizza and sea food!! And the gelato? I’ve never tasted anything like it. Our host was amazing and we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of crepes and coffee on her balcony. I definitely have to visit Florence again. I hope these photos give you a little taste of Florence and you get to visit this amazing city. 

View alongside Arno River
Arno River and view of Florence
Ruth and I biking alongside Arno River
Piazza Della Repubblica
Piazza Della Repubblica
Church and Museum of Orsanmichael
Church and Museum of Orsanmichele
Italian wine is a must
Lovely dinner in Florence
Galleria dell’Accademia
Street art replica of “Girl with a Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer
Ruth and I outside of Santa Maria Novella
Santa Maria Novella
Palazzo Strozzi
Palazzo Strozzi
Basilica di San Lorenzo
Basilica di San Lorenzo
Cathedrals di Santa Maria del Flore (Florence Cathedral)
Florence Cathedral
Florence Cathedral
Galleria dell’Accademia
Ponte Vecchio
More Pasta!!!
More Gelato!!

A letter to President Barack Obama

A letter to President Barack Obama


Dear President Obama,

On the last day of your historic presidency, I want to take this time to say thank you. I know you have been getting thanked all day for your service and what you have done for this country. So what is one more? Your presidency is especially special to me because I feel like I actually became an adult through these past 8 years. Your presidency is like the soundtrack to my adulthood. This soundtrack has some up tempo club bangers and some gut wrenching tear jerkers.

Track 1: I remember being a senior at Xavier University during your first run for president. This was the first time I really got interested and involved in politics. Vote or Die!!! You were the talk of the town and I was so excited when you planned a rally at Xavier. I waited in line and stood outside for hours waiting for you to come and speak. You brought all the celebs with you! P-Diddy, Mary J, Alicia Keys, Jay-Z and Beyonce. It was the best concert I had been to in a while and you were the main act. You really ignited a fire in me at that rally. Thank you for that.

Track 2: Election day 2008 was so stress full. I had been following the election all semester and helping to encourage people to get out and vote. And we had finally made it to the end. I remember sitting in OMA (Office of Multi-Cultural Affairs) with other black students. We were all gathered around the TV. When they announced you were elected as the 44th president o the United States, everyone screamed, cried and hugged each other. It was a jubilation! History had been made!

Track 3: In Fall 2010 I started my first semester of law school at Thurgood Marshall School of Law. I felt like I was following in your and Michelle’s footsteps! You are both successful black attorneys and I wanted to join the club! I didn’t know exactly what kind of law I wanted to do but I knew I wanted to make a difference. Thank you for inspiring me stay the course and further igniting that spark for greatness. Thank you and Michelle for being a shining example of Black Excellence that will continue to inspire young black boys and girls for years to come.

Track 4: 3L year was the most trying and difficult year of law school. I was diagnosed with Lupus. I was 27 and no longer on my parents health insurance. With doctors visits, tests and hospital stays the medical bills kept rolling in. Signing up for the ACA was a lifesaver. I was able to go to the doctor, have tests done and get my much needed prescriptions without worry. I know you get a lot of flack for the ACA but I am grateful. Thank you for helping millions of Americans get health insurance, including myself. Thank you playing a part in keeping me healthy.

Track 5: Criminal justice is a subject I am very passionate about. During law school I learned more about the disparities in sentencing between crack and cocaine and mandatory minimums and how the majority of prisoners are people of color who are convicted for non-violent drug offenses. I started to do more research on what role I could play to make a difference. Thank you for making criminal justice reform a priority and giving a voice to those who have been disproportionately affected by the war on drugs.

Track 6: Thank you and Michelle for being the ultimate #relationshipgoals

Track 7: With all the ugly, racial tensions throughout this past election, you were still a model of grace and dignity. Even when he questioned your legitimacy as president, questioned your intelligence to get into Harvard and President of the Law Review, questioned your ability to be a successful and effective president, you took the high road. It really boiled by blood to hear him and others talk about you like that. I felt like they were talking about a beloved family member. Like they could get these hands. But the times you sprinkled on a side of #petty gave me all the life. It was the epitome of “Don’t come for me unless I call for you”. I saw you speak on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the atmosphere was like a rock star was in town. My excitement was palpable. I felt like I was at a Michael Jackson concert from the 90s where everyone is passing out. Your speech was amazing, you spoke the truth. Thank you.

Track 8: I just want to thank you again for everything you have done for this country, even though it is often ignored and unappreciated. I appreciate you. Thank you for inspiring me to be a more engaged citizen, go after my dreams and make a difference. You will always be my president.






Europe Extravaganza: Barcelona Edition

Next stop was Barcelona, Spain. It was my first time visiting Barcelona and although it is a popular European city, I didn’t know what to expect. I must say I was blown away. This city is gorgeous! This history, architecture, food and weather were fabulous! We had the privilege of going on two walking tours during our stay. I learned so much about the history and architecture of the city and it is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been.  
The Gothic Quarter

Piccasso in Barcelona
King Martin’s Watchtower
King Martin’s Watchtower
Barcelona Cathedral
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The Gothic Quarter
The Gothic Quarter
The Gothic Quarter
Ancient Synagogue of Barcelona
The Gothic Quarter
Sculture dedicated to the Castellers at the Plaza Saint Miguel
Santa Maria Del Mar

El Born District
El Born District

Palau de la Musica Catalana designed by Lluis Domenech. Moderisme Style

Mosaic on Palau de la Musica Catalana

Tiles designed by Antoni Gaudi
Street Bench Designed by Gaudi

Casa Amatiler designed by Joseph Puig. Modernisme Style
Casa Batilo- Designed by Antoni Gaudi and located on the Passeig De Garcia. Modernisme Style



Casa Mila (La Pedrera) designed by Antoni Gaudi. Modernisme Style
Sagrada Familia

Ruth and I in front of Sagrada Familia
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The Beach


Europe Extraveganza! London edition 

Europe Extraveganza! London edition 

London was a breath of fresh air as soon as we landed at Heathrow. Main reason being that we could now speak English freely and didn’t have to struggle with a foreign (to us) language. In Paris and Barcelona, we were good because I can speak French and Ruth can speak Spanish. In Florence we were both lost. So when we landed it was as though a language barrier weight had been lifted. After getting through the terribly long security, long ride on the “tube”, and arriving  at our hosts lovely London flat, our host suggested we go to a place nearby called Pop Brixton. And it was with that moment that I fell in love with London. Quirky vintage shops, custom totes and tees, food, wine and Erykka Badu blaring out of the speakers. This place was meant for me. In addition we had a wonderful next couple of days touring London on a double decker bus (although I underestimated the weather) and on a walking tour. I loved London and can’t wait to go back. Hope you enjoy the photos.  

Pop Brixton
Pop Brixton
Pop Brixton
Pop Brixton
Night Tour of London
The National Gallery
Fountain at Trafalgar Square
Equestrian statue of Charles I, Charing Cross
Gift Horse by Hans Haacke
Nelson’s Column at Trafalgar Square
Admiralty Arch
Admiralty Arch
Paddock (war rooms)
Saints James Palace
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace
Churchill War Rooms
Churchill War Rooms
Elizabeth Tower aka Big Ben
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey
House of Parliament
House of Parliament

Europe Extraveganza: Paris edition 

Europe Extraveganza: Paris edition 

As you know, my best friend and I took a trip to Europe to celebrate our 30th birthday. We visited Paris, Barcelona, Florence and London. I am just now getting a chance to post pictures for you as when I got back, I started a new job and life happened. But I did not forget about you. Overall the trip was purely amazing!! It was great to be able to see 4 wonderful cities in 10 days. Although I was exhausted by the end, it was an energizing experience and I can’t wait for my next Europe excursion. I will post pictures from each city starting with Paris. The City of Lights has so much history and it was amazing to be able to see so much in so little time. The tour guide we had was great and really dove into the history and culture of the city. You definitely need to spend a week in Paris alone to even scratch the surface but we did our best. 

Stairs leading to Sacre-Coeur Basilica
Street Art


View of Paris atop the hill at Sacre-Coeur


Sacre-Coeur Basilica

Moulin Rouge

Place de Saint Michel

Cathedral de Notre Dame

Pont Neuf

Statue o King Henry IV of France. “The Good King”

Musee du Louvre


Musee du Louvre

Arc de Triomphe de Carrousel

Jardin des Tuileries (Tuileries Garden)
Jardin des Tuileries (Tuileries Garde) headed toward Place de la Concorde

La Seine


Ruth and Notre Dame Cathedral
Saint Therese (inside Notre Dame Catherdral
Saint Joan of Arc (inside Notre Dame Cathedral)

Our Lady of Guadelupe

As Seen in Columbus: Bexley Library Book Sale

As Seen in Columbus: Bexley Library Book Sale

Did y’all hear the choir of angels today? No? Well I did when I walked into the book sale today at the Bexley Public Library. The sun shown a little it brighter, the birds chirped louder, all was well in the world. 

The Bexley Library is holding its annual spring book sale this weekend, starting this evening and ending Sunday, April 17. You can find the hours here. Everything is priced under $2 and half price on Sunday! Who could pass this up? Not I!

Look at all of this nerdy goodness! I purchased 10 paperback books ($10) and I must say I am very happy with my finds. A few tips when shopping at a book sale. 

  1. If a book sounds familiar, go a head and purchase. More than likely it sounds familiar for a reason. Either you have read reviews on the book or friends/family has mentioned it to you before. Plus they are only $1-$2. You won’t be set back any large amount of money. 
  2. There are literally books every where! Take your time and look in the boxes on the floor and go down the aisles a few times. Also, if you think you have looked through everything you wanted, go through one more time, you may see a great book that you missed the first time through. 
  3. Bring a bag with you so you are not walking around with your arms full of books. Plus your arms can only hold so many. 
  4. Your neck may begin to hurt due to looking down to read the titles. Just FYI.

So here are the books I picked up. A few classics that are a must have for any book nerd and a few that I just wanted to check out. 

I hope you get a chance to stop by the book sale this weekend! I may be back there on Sunday. Don’t judge me. Happy Reading!

Travel Beauty Budget Tip

Travel Beauty Budget Tip

I will be the first to tell you that I am usually on the budget struggle bus. I will be the first person to spend $30 on a Dior lipstick (more than once). But when it came to planning and preparing for this trip to Europe, I had to figure out how I could best step off that 8 hour flight feeling and looking so fresh and so clean and not break the bank. And it hit me one day when I was cleaning my apartment and I discovered a bag full of samples from old Birchboxes. Samples! I need a bunch of samples. What a great way to 1) consolidate my beauty products, 2) have everything I need on the plane and 3) get through TSA without getting anything tossed. I also wanted to avoid that wallet trap in line at Sephora. You know they put all the travel size products in the front so while you are waiting in line, you can tack on another $30 to your total. Sephora wasn’t going to bambozzle me. 

Now I only had a few samples that would be useful on my trip so I decided to go to Sephora, Nordstrom and Lush to pick up a couple samples of various products. I also asked for a few empty containers to fill with products that I already had at home.

These samples are perfect for my long 8 hour flight. I have face wash, moisturizing cream for my body and face (can’t be ashy), tinted moisturizer for when I land and eye cream. I labeled the samples using colored stickers that I had left over. I am all set! 

I hope this gives you some ideas on how to survive a long flight and save some $$$$. 

I will be sharing how I am packing for this trip and what I am taking in my carry on. Stay tuned! 

Do you know what today is?

Do you know what today is?

Its not my anniversary…BUT today marks exactly 30 days from my trip to Europe!!! YAAAYYYYY! I cannot even explain with words how excited I am for this trip. I am literally so excited I have already started packing my suitcase. This trip is EVERYTHING. My bff Ruth and I have solidified all our plans, from flights, lodging, tours, and shopping. We are set! In addition, I have been watching all the YouTube videos on traveling tips and travel beauty essentials that will have be getting off the plan in paris looking fresh and fabulous. SN: I will be sharing my new found knowledge in the days leading up to the trip as well.

Now the main point of this post is not to brag about how amaze-balls this trip is going to be but to share with you how we are counting down to May 1. We decided to partake in the Whole 30 diet in the 30 days leading up to our departure. Now the abridged version of the plan is super duper strict Paleo (no sugar, grains, dairy and legumes). Some of you may remember that I embarked on the Paleo diet due to lupus and the fact that the Paleo diet is great for those with auto-immune diseases. It was great for a while and I really saw a difference in the way I felt. But then at some point, bread came back into my life and it was down hill ever since. I am hoping that by participating in the Whole 30, I will reset my system, improve my health and fitness, and be able to continue with the Paleo diet after the trip (grant it after eating all the pizza, baguettes and gelato in Europe I may have to do another 30 days of Whole 30 but I think it will be worth it).

I will be sharing recipes, tips, and observations in the 30 days and hopefully some encouragement as well for those of you who want to try the Whole 30 in the future or who are currently participating. And since today was day 1, my first observation is that cutting out sugar cold turkey sucks sooooooooooo bad. Especially after lunch. Maybe it was a little more difficult for me because I was eating whatever I wanted this past week (literally all the Reeses and I love me some Reeses). I have truly realized that what they say about sugar is true…its like a drug to your system. I was literally going through a chocolate junkie withdrawal. But I made it through day 1 without a slip #winning.

I pray that the Lord will keep me strong and keep the devil at bay when he puts chocolate in my face and beacons me to partake. #jesusbeafence

Book Haul!!!!

Book Haul!!!!

I LOVE BOOKS!! I really cannot emphasize this enough. I love the feel and smell of the pages. Walking into a book store literally brightens my day and when I leave I feel like a better person. I know it sounds weird. I have even hugged a book before. *don’t judge me* But seriously, I wanted to spread this book love by sharing a few new additions to my collection. I love introducing new books to others and I hope you will be intrigued enough to maybe pick one of these up one day.

Now before we get into the books, let me say that usually I am a fiction girl. I love a good story where I can loose myself in the character and story line. I love themes and symbolism (in a later post I will share some of my all time favorites, so don’t worry). The reason I wanted to preface with this is because the books I’m about to share are all non-fiction (with the exception of Derrick Bell’s Faces at the Bottom of the Well). I wanted to give myself a chance to step out of my comfort zone and expand my reading horizons. I wanted to really learn something of value. Not that I don’t take away things of value from reading fiction..I definitely do… but I think its more of an emotional value. By identifying with a character, I begin to feel emotionally connected with that character that lasts throughout the story and even after. But it is based in a fictional space that I can go back too by re-reading the book again. I believe that non-fiction is different that I view as more of a history lesson. Learning about how things were in the past and currently are, I am able to take those lessons with me on a day to day basis. If that makes any sense. lol

Now to the books!


(from left to right)

  • Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine- I became interested in this book after reading the article about Johari Osayi Idusuyi, who refused to put down this book while sitting on stage at a Trump rally. After reading this article and laughing historically, I thought to myself “I want to read whatever she is reading”. I felt like that book meant something in that moment. That the book symbolized a movement against everything Trump has been saying throughout the election and I needed that book in my possession.
  • Year of YES: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes- This book came highly recommended from my sands as something “I must read”. So I bought it.
  • Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and The Foundations of a Movement by Angela Y. Davis- I had the privilege of hearing Angela Davis speak about a month ago at Denison University and I was so inspired by her. Hearing her speak about her experiences with civil rights and thoughts on the importance of social movements such as Black Lives Matter further ignited my passion for change. I purchased this book, which is her newest publication, at the lecture. I’m really excited about this read. Sidenote: Check out the documentary Free Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners(2013). You can rent it here.
  • We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie- I loved Americana and so when I saw this on Amazon I purchased it.



(from left to right)

  • Ripples of Hope: Great American Civil Rights Speeches – After watching  the movie Selma for the 8th time and I decided I wanted to actually read MLKs speeches and the speeches of other civil rights leaders. This book contains speeches from Thurgood Marshall (s/o to TMSL), Fredrick Douglass and Marcus Garvey, just to name a few. Super excited about this read.
  • Stokley Speaks: From Black Power to Pan-Africanism by Stokely Carmichael: I low-key fell in love with Stokley Carmichael after watching The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 and The FBI’s War on Black America. So I purchased this book that is full of his speeches and articles. PS: the documentaries I mentioned are a must see.
  • Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism by Derrick Bell- Suggestion from Bruce who nearly fell over when I told him I have never read Derrick Bell and said that I can’t be down with the revolution if I have never read it.

I hope you enjoyed this little book haul. I am looking forward to many more book hauls, book reviews and suggestions. I will also share news about book sales and events in Columbus…because you know I be on it. Holla!