Mommas Be Knowing

Mommas Be Knowing


Girls have a special relationship with their mothers. In essence, you are just a smaller version of your mother. While growing up, there may have even been a time where you thought your mom did not understand what you were going through, whether it be with school pressures, boys or love. Especially in the 21st century; in the age of social media, sub-tweets, and relationship statuses, I believed the game was not the same. But was not until recently, ie the past couple of years, that I realized that MOMMAS BE KNOWING. All the things my mom used to tell me (and still does) about men, love, and life are soooo true. And this is a sentiment shared by many of my friends. I cannot tell you how many times I have had a conversation that went something like this:


Girlfriend/Soror So and So: “Girl let me tell you *insert description of event*


Me: “Yaaaasss. My mom always says *insert words of wisdom*


Girlfriend/Soror: “My mom says THE SAME THING”


It never fails. All our mommas have shared the same advice in one way or another throughout our lives. And as much as it may pain us to say it…they are usually always right, especially when it comes to love and dating. So I wanted to share with you a few “Mommas be Knowing” gems.


  1. “Don’t date a guy who likes himself too much”– We have all met this guy. The one who thinks he is God’s gift. Yea you know him. Leave him alone.
  2. “A guy needs to like you more than you like him” – The inference here is that if a guy likes you more than you like him, the relationship will be balanced because women tend to love “harder” than men. So if we don’t like a guy as much as they like us, everything will even out. For example, it has been said to me by a good guy friend “When I felt she didn’t really like me that much, I was on it. But as soon as she really started liking me, I wasn’t as interested”. There you have it. The old “guys love the chase theory”. Keep em on the chase.
  3. “You need to be the more attractive one in the relationship”- A spin off #2. The theory is that if you are the more attractive one in the relationship, the guy will be so happy and lucky to have caught you that he will treat you better, than that guy referenced in #1.
  4. “Marriage is hard”- I am not married but this is what I have heard…and you know mommas be knowing .


Let me know what your momma be knowing. Help educate the masses.

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