Book Haul!!!!

Book Haul!!!!

I LOVE BOOKS!! I really cannot emphasize this enough. I love the feel and smell of the pages. Walking into a book store literally brightens my day and when I leave I feel like a better person. I know it sounds weird. I have even hugged a book before. *don’t judge me* But seriously, I wanted to spread this book love by sharing a few new additions to my collection. I love introducing new books to others and I hope you will be intrigued enough to maybe pick one of these up one day.

Now before we get into the books, let me say that usually I am a fiction girl. I love a good story where I can loose myself in the character and story line. I love themes and symbolism (in a later post I will share some of my all time favorites, so don’t worry). The reason I wanted to preface with this is because the books I’m about to share are all non-fiction (with the exception of Derrick Bell’s Faces at the Bottom of the Well). I wanted to give myself a chance to step out of my comfort zone and expand my reading horizons. I wanted to really learn something of value. Not that I don’t take away things of value from reading fiction..I definitely do… but I think its more of an emotional value. By identifying with a character, I begin to feel emotionally connected with that character that lasts throughout the story and even after. But it is based in a fictional space that I can go back too by re-reading the book again. I believe that non-fiction is different that I view as more of a history lesson. Learning about how things were in the past and currently are, I am able to take those lessons with me on a day to day basis. If that makes any sense. lol

Now to the books!


(from left to right)

  • Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine- I became interested in this book after reading the article about Johari Osayi Idusuyi, who refused to put down this book while sitting on stage at a Trump rally. After reading this article and laughing historically, I thought to myself “I want to read whatever she is reading”. I felt like that book meant something in that moment. That the book symbolized a movement against everything Trump has been saying throughout the election and I needed that book in my possession.
  • Year of YES: How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes- This book came highly recommended from my sands as something “I must read”. So I bought it.
  • Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and The Foundations of a Movement by Angela Y. Davis- I had the privilege of hearing Angela Davis speak about a month ago at Denison University and I was so inspired by her. Hearing her speak about her experiences with civil rights and thoughts on the importance of social movements such as Black Lives Matter further ignited my passion for change. I purchased this book, which is her newest publication, at the lecture. I’m really excited about this read. Sidenote: Check out the documentary Free Angela Davis and All Political Prisoners(2013). You can rent it here.
  • We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie- I loved Americana and so when I saw this on Amazon I purchased it.



(from left to right)

  • Ripples of Hope: Great American Civil Rights Speeches – After watching  the movie Selma for the 8th time and I decided I wanted to actually read MLKs speeches and the speeches of other civil rights leaders. This book contains speeches from Thurgood Marshall (s/o to TMSL), Fredrick Douglass and Marcus Garvey, just to name a few. Super excited about this read.
  • Stokley Speaks: From Black Power to Pan-Africanism by Stokely Carmichael: I low-key fell in love with Stokley Carmichael after watching The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 and The FBI’s War on Black America. So I purchased this book that is full of his speeches and articles. PS: the documentaries I mentioned are a must see.
  • Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism by Derrick Bell- Suggestion from Bruce who nearly fell over when I told him I have never read Derrick Bell and said that I can’t be down with the revolution if I have never read it.

I hope you enjoyed this little book haul. I am looking forward to many more book hauls, book reviews and suggestions. I will also share news about book sales and events in Columbus…because you know I be on it. Holla!

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