As Seen in Columbus: Bexley Library Book Sale

As Seen in Columbus: Bexley Library Book Sale

Did y’all hear the choir of angels today? No? Well I did when I walked into the book sale today at the Bexley Public Library. The sun shown a little it brighter, the birds chirped louder, all was well in the world. 

The Bexley Library is holding its annual spring book sale this weekend, starting this evening and ending Sunday, April 17. You can find the hours here. Everything is priced under $2 and half price on Sunday! Who could pass this up? Not I!

Look at all of this nerdy goodness! I purchased 10 paperback books ($10) and I must say I am very happy with my finds. A few tips when shopping at a book sale. 

  1. If a book sounds familiar, go a head and purchase. More than likely it sounds familiar for a reason. Either you have read reviews on the book or friends/family has mentioned it to you before. Plus they are only $1-$2. You won’t be set back any large amount of money. 
  2. There are literally books every where! Take your time and look in the boxes on the floor and go down the aisles a few times. Also, if you think you have looked through everything you wanted, go through one more time, you may see a great book that you missed the first time through. 
  3. Bring a bag with you so you are not walking around with your arms full of books. Plus your arms can only hold so many. 
  4. Your neck may begin to hurt due to looking down to read the titles. Just FYI.

So here are the books I picked up. A few classics that are a must have for any book nerd and a few that I just wanted to check out. 

I hope you get a chance to stop by the book sale this weekend! I may be back there on Sunday. Don’t judge me. Happy Reading!

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