Do you know what today is?

Do you know what today is?

Its not my anniversary…BUT today marks exactly 30 days from my trip to Europe!!! YAAAYYYYY! I cannot even explain with words how excited I am for this trip. I am literally so excited I have already started packing my suitcase. This trip is EVERYTHING. My bff Ruth and I have solidified all our plans, from flights, lodging, tours, and shopping. We are set! In addition, I have been watching all the YouTube videos on traveling tips and travel beauty essentials that will have be getting off the plan in paris looking fresh and fabulous. SN: I will be sharing my new found knowledge in the days leading up to the trip as well.

Now the main point of this post is not to brag about how amaze-balls this trip is going to be but to share with you how we are counting down to May 1. We decided to partake in the Whole 30 diet in the 30 days leading up to our departure. Now the abridged version of the plan is super duper strict Paleo (no sugar, grains, dairy and legumes). Some of you may remember that I embarked on the Paleo diet due to lupus and the fact that the Paleo diet is great for those with auto-immune diseases. It was great for a while and I really saw a difference in the way I felt. But then at some point, bread came back into my life and it was down hill ever since. I am hoping that by participating in the Whole 30, I will reset my system, improve my health and fitness, and be able to continue with the Paleo diet after the trip (grant it after eating all the pizza, baguettes and gelato in Europe I may have to do another 30 days of Whole 30 but I think it will be worth it).

I will be sharing recipes, tips, and observations in the 30 days and hopefully some encouragement as well for those of you who want to try the Whole 30 in the future or who are currently participating. And since today was day 1, my first observation is that cutting out sugar cold turkey sucks sooooooooooo bad. Especially after lunch. Maybe it was a little more difficult for me because I was eating whatever I wanted this past week (literally all the Reeses and I love me some Reeses). I have truly realized that what they say about sugar is true…its like a drug to your system. I was literally going through a chocolate junkie withdrawal. But I made it through day 1 without a slip #winning.

I pray that the Lord will keep me strong and keep the devil at bay when he puts chocolate in my face and beacons me to partake. #jesusbeafence