
Europe Extravaganza: Barcelona Edition

Next stop was Barcelona, Spain. It was my first time visiting Barcelona and although it is a popular European city, I didn’t know what to expect. I must say I was blown away. This city is gorgeous! This history, architecture, food and weather were fabulous! We had the privilege of going on two walking tours during our stay. I learned so much about the history and architecture of the city and it is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been.  
The Gothic Quarter

Piccasso in Barcelona
King Martin’s Watchtower
King Martin’s Watchtower
Barcelona Cathedral
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The Gothic Quarter
The Gothic Quarter
The Gothic Quarter
Ancient Synagogue of Barcelona
The Gothic Quarter
Sculture dedicated to the Castellers at the Plaza Saint Miguel
Santa Maria Del Mar

El Born District
El Born District

Palau de la Musica Catalana designed by Lluis Domenech. Moderisme Style

Mosaic on Palau de la Musica Catalana

Tiles designed by Antoni Gaudi
Street Bench Designed by Gaudi

Casa Amatiler designed by Joseph Puig. Modernisme Style
Casa Batilo- Designed by Antoni Gaudi and located on the Passeig De Garcia. Modernisme Style



Casa Mila (La Pedrera) designed by Antoni Gaudi. Modernisme Style
Sagrada Familia

Ruth and I in front of Sagrada Familia
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The Beach


March Madness…fitness challenge.

March Madness…fitness challenge.

No. I’m not talking about Basketball. lol. Although I am excited for the tourney to start.  I’m talking about my personal challenge for the month of March. Since today is the first of March I thought that I would begin my fitness challenge today…or monday. (I like to do things in even numbers lol)

Here is my goal…there are 4 weeks in March and my goal is to workout 4-5 times a week, every week. My regimen will consist of 20-30 min of stationary bike to get my heart rate up and 30 min of a gentle wind-down yoga session to focus on relaxation and breathing (something I need to work on). And don’t worry, I already watched the video and I know there are no difficult stretches that will re-injure my leg.

My doctor from the Lupus clinic wanted me to start a workout regimen to help with my treatment. So 3 weeks ago I purchased a couple yoga DVDS from Amazon and was ready to go. After attempting a few Sun Salutations, I was winded and beat. Maybe I needed to take it a little more slowly. The next day my calf was super tight and I decided that I may have strained it a little during my yoga attempt. So over the next week I stretched it and took it easy. The next week, after tripping on a couple boxes and cords my calf was seriously hurting and brused. Ugh. I would hurt myself doing yoga.

Its been a week since then and after daily icing sessions and tender love and care, my calf feels a lot better. I’m going to continue to ice it this weekend so I can be ready for next week.

This is a personal challenge for me to really get into my treatment and take an active roll. I know that just taking my medicine will not be enough. (I’m not saying that I haven’t been taking things seriously), but I think taking this challenge and sticking to the regimen will be good for me physically and emotionally. Staying on a schedule and taking an active roll.

Do you have a personal challenge for the month? How will you challenge yourself this month?

If you have lupus or another disease, how do you stay fit? What has worked for you? Let me know.

Until next time 🙂

Just Be Thankful Why Don’t You?

Just Be Thankful Why Don’t You?

One of my fav shows is “What not to wear” on TLC, with Stacy London and Clinton Kelly. I absolutely love this show. I love seeing all the fashion and how much the peoples lives are changes after the show. Those who have never watched the show may think it is just a makeover show, but the people who are getting the makeover really get a total life makeover. They are forced to confront their problems and insecurities and in the end take a good look at their lives. They are often hard working, selfless mothers who focus more on their kids and families than themselves, or women who have overcome obesity or addiction and can’t move past their past lives. In the end they are forced to look at themselves in a more positive and uplifting way and see what they deserve to look good and feel good in their clothes. This is the main reason why I love the show. I love seeing this transformation. It makes me happy seeing the women looking fabulous in their new clothes and new hair and make up. Most of the women are so thankful in the end and have found a new sense of self. (I say women because they are mostly women on the show. I’ve only seen one man on the show). 

However, there are some women on the show that are not thankful at all. They spend the entire episode complaining and crying and carrying on about how they don’t know the rules or how nothing looks good on them, blah, blah, blah. Today I saw an episode of a young lady who was 30 years old. She had been on her own since she was 17, lived in homeless shelters and put herself through college. A truly inspiring story I must say. She was on the show because, even though she had accomplished so much and was starting her career, she dressed in silly costumes and clothes meant for someone in high school. She needed a mature look for her professional, mature life. You would think she would be excited. No, not her. She complained the entire time, called everything “weird”, and was completely negative about the whole process. I must say, “the girl was working my nerves”. And in the end, even she got the complete makeover, she was still not happy. When I see people on the show like this, I just think to myself, “B*tch, you just got $5000 to go shopping in NYC, you didn’t pay for anything, they prob put you in a high end hotel, and you got professional hair and make up done…FOR THE FREE FREE. You need to be excited!!”. If someone wanted to give me 5 grand to go shopping, I’d be jumping for joy. But I guess some people don’t count their blessings.

Or they are scared of change. Change can be scary. But change can good. I know God is changing me. I have gone through a lot with this lupus and missing a semester of school and no I didn’t like it. I can say I am the type of person who doesn’t like change either. No I don’t want to be in Ohio when I could be in Houston finishing my last semester of school so I can graduate and take the bar and become the fabulous Louis toting attorney I was meant to be. But I know God has a plan for me. I am thankful that my health is better and that I have a supportive family and friends who were there for me and are still there for me.  Who continue to support me whilst I sit at home and try to get my life together. I know that eventually things will all fall into place. I just have to be patient. 

Things may not be how you wanted…but there are how they are supposed to be